Supplier Payment
Bank Payment to Supplier
v Path: Big
Penguin-----> Supplier----->Make Payments
By Selecting
the Mode of Payment you will be taken to the next page.
Please Select
the Supplier from the List
If you have an
approved invoice for payment(Approvals done through Trade
invoice Bulk approval),
will show up on the list and you can double click the amount to allocate
it (also able to select multiple
invoices) and then enter the same amount in the Amount box
You can also a
add Reference for this transaction
Also on the
left side below you can chose the type of bank payment(Bank transfer, Cheques,
BACS, Direct debit)
Press Save.
Please note : If you are not paying for a particular
invoice but still entering this payment,
system will take this transactions as an advance payment and save it in system.
Cash Payment to Supplier
v Please click on Big
Penguin-----> Supplier----->Make Payments
By Selecting
the Mode of Payment you will be taken to the next page
Please Select
the supplier from the list
All approved
invoices for this supplier will be listed here.
You can also a
add Reference for this transaction
You can double
click on the invoices you would like to make payment for, by doing this you are
allocating your payment for the invoices selected. The allocated field on the
screen will show the total invoices allocated. Now you can enter the same total
value on the Amount box and click Save on the right bottom corner.
Please note : If
you have not selected an invoice to allocate your payment and if you enter any
values in the Amount box and click Save, System will take this as an advance
Card Payment to Supplier
Please click on Big Penguin-----> Supplier----->Make
By Selecting
the Mode of Payment you will be taken to the next page
The Field
where the asterisk are shown are mandatory to be filled out, once filled click
on OK
Now from this
screen choose the Supplier from field marked A/c code.
Now you will
be able to see the list of invoices for this supplier and you can double click
on the amount to allocate the amount.
You can also a
add Reference for this transaction
Once allocated
you can now enter the same amount in the amount field and Click on Save.
Please note: If you do not
select an invoice, the payment will be taken as an advance payment and you can
allocate it later on.